Quarterly outbound West Kazakhstan Medical Journal

Publisher - NCJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” 

Chief Editor:   A.A. Kaliev

The Journal has been published since 2004.

Certificate of re-registration No. 17673-Ж dated 04.18.2019 was issued by Ministry of Information and Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Journal is registered in republic catalogue «Newspapers and magazines» JSC ”Kazpost” (subscription index - 74740).

The Journal is indexed in international database of Ulrich`s International Periodical Directory, in Italian Database of Scientific Publications CINECA and in Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI).

The Journal is included in the list of publications recommended by Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publication of the main results of scientific activity. (commission decision of April 15, 2016).


Progress bar

«Reforming Nursing: Achievements, Problems and Prospects»

S.K. Akhmadiyev, A.Y. Mendekina

“Semey” Medical College, Semey, Kazakhstan

 Today, the nursing service is included in the group of the official profession. The new content of the specialty can be considered as the result of productive work between a student and a teacher. The work of a nurse involves responsibility, humanity and ethical deontology, innovation and the gentleness of strict discipline. A nurse requires the possession of specific skills and knowledge: practical application of skills based on the knowledge and methods of various humanities disciplines, as well as sciences that study physical, social, medical and biological laws. The process of reforming nursing is slow and complicated for several reasons. In many countries of the world, the demand for nurses is growing because their practical skills can flexibly respond to demographic, economic and social changes. As a result, in all conditions of nursing, medical care has become the main component. The activities of nurses include the implementation of a wide range of services within the framework of primary health care and participation in high–tech scientific research.

To improve the quality and effectiveness of medical care, it is necessary to increase legal knowledge and regulatory documentation, record keeping and computerization of the activities and mastering basic economic knowledge.

Currently, there is a personnel disparity «nursing staff – doctors». It is characterized by an increase in the proportion of types of medical services that should be provided by well-trained nurses in medical activities, and on the other hand, nursing staff is assigned the role of technical personnel who do not require special medical training. The latter circumstance negatively affects the quality of nursing care, the image and attractiveness of the nursing profession.

Keywords: Qualified medical worker, medical training, nurse, nursing staff, medical services, medical documentation, image, modern society




Periodical publication

4 times in a year

Format A4, 500 copies


ISSN 2707-6180 (Print)


ISSN 2707-6199 (Online)



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