Editorial board

Stuff of the Editorial board

Akshulakov Serik Kuandykovich

Medical doctor, professor, academician of NANS, honoured worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998)


Arzykulov Zhetkergen Anesovich

Medical doctor, professor, doctor of higher category


Achmetov V.A.



Baygenzhin Abay Kabatayevich

Medical doctor, professor, Doctor-organizer of Health care high category. He has the titles of: «Master of international Health care» (1981), «Honoured worker of the RK» (2002),   academician  of European Academy of Natural Sciences


Boyev Viktor Michaylovich

Professor, Medical Doctor, Academician RANS, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the RF, Honored Worker of Science of the RF.


Vlassov Vasiliy Viktorovich

Professor, Medical Doctor. Professor of the First Moscow Medical University and the Graduate School of Economics


Zhaksylyk Akmurzayevich Doskaliev

Professor, Medical Doctor, laureate of State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Kuzdenbayeva Raisa Salmagambetovna

Academician of National Academy of Sciences of RK, laureate of the State Prize of RK


Musinov Serikbol Rachimkanovich




Macchiarelli G.

MD, Professor. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Sciences University of L’Aquila, Italy 

Nottola S.A.

Associate Professor, Professor.Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Anatomy,

University of “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

Plavinskiy Cvyatoslav Leonidovich

Medical Doctor (Saint Petersburg, Russia)



Rumyantsev Alexander Grigorievich

Medical Doctor, Professor, academician of the RAMS,  academician of the RANS


Seksenbayev Bakhytzhan Deribsalievich

Medical Doctor, Professor, Academician KazNANS



Teleuov Murat Koyshibayevich

 Medical Doctor, professor


Sharmanov Turegeldi Sharmanovich

academician of the NAS , laureate of the State Prize of the RK, member of the Presidium of the NAS of RK